
以下与十大赌博娱乐平台的业务和财务信息相关的因素可能对投资决策产生重大影响. 公司正在努力建立一套预测集团潜在风险的系统, 防止它们的发生, 如果发生了,及时适当地处理. 


如果发生不可预见的事件,本集团的经营业绩和财务状况可能受到影响. 这包括汽车等市场需求的下滑, 电子产品, 住房, 建设, 和基础设施, 或者日本等商业领域的经济放缓, 北美, 欧洲, 和亚洲.

例如, markets where business is undertaken in the mobility field are easily affected by conditions and demand trends in the global automotive and aerospace industries. 电子领域的商业市场, 哪些产品的特点是需求波动剧烈, 可能会在短时间内缩小. 除了, the 住房 Company’s 活动 are subject to the policies and taxation systems that apply to the acquisition of houses in 日本. 住房公司的业务也会受到消费税率趋势的影响, 利率, 私人消费, 以及区域经济. 就城市基础设施而言 & 环境产品公司对此表示关注, 活动, 包括公共部门吗, 是否会受到公共投资趋势的影响, 哪些是由国家和地方政府决定的.


钢材的市场价格, 木材, 聚氯乙烯, 烯烃, and other petroleum-related raw materials used in the Group’s production 活动 are affected by a variety of factors including trends in the global economy, 供需平衡, 以及外汇汇率的波动. 除了, 本集团产品所使用的部分原材料为稀缺资源, 哪些对稳定采购构成风险. 原材料价格的急剧上涨可能导致生产成本的上升, while demand trends for scarce resources and problems at suppliers could interfere with the Group’s ability to supply products. 因此,本集团的经营业绩及财务状况可能受到影响.

为应对原材料价格上涨,集团正在实施降低成本的措施. 同时, 正努力在销售价格和原材料价格之间保持足够的差额, 主要在城市基础设施方面 & 环保产品公司和高性能塑料公司.


The Group continues to engage in assurance and improvement 活动 to ensure that its products and services are of the utmost quality. 然而, 尽管有这些活动, 本集团继续面临产品召回的风险, 停药, 支付赔偿, and loss of customer confidence should a major product-related incident occur; should product safety, 环境, 法律法规遵从性, or other issues arise; and in the event of a dispute over intellectual 财产 that results in a decision that is unfavorable to the Group. 在这个事件中, 本集团的经营业绩及财务状况可能受到影响.

本集团从事计算机科学 & 质量管理始终如一地为客户提供价值,使他们始终选择十大赌博娱乐平台的产品和服务. 十大赌博娱乐平台也将“零重大质量问题”作为十大赌博娱乐平台的关键指标之一, and are working diligently to improve the level of consistent quality control across the entire value chain by preventing the incidence of a quality issue occurring through advance prediction of potential quality-related risks at the development stage after a product has been commercialized, 并确保生产部门严格遵守日常管理的基本准则. 同时, the Group places the utmost importance on its intellectual 财产 strategy in order to make the most of its prominence in technology. 通过收购强大的专利,努力确保业务竞争力, we conduct the necessary investigations to ensure that we do not infringe on the intellectual 财产 of others and take appropriate measures to avoid or prevent intellectual 财产 infringement.


在全球范围内经营和拓展业务, fluctuations in the value of the yen against foreign currencies could have a significant impact on the Group’s foreign currency-denominated 销售, 原材料采购成本, 以及海外子公司和联营公司的资产和负债. 利率波动也可能影响本集团的利息收入和利息支出数额, 以及与住房相关的商业需求. 在市场和商业环境发生变化时, 本集团持有的房地产(包括土地)存在风险, 其他库存, 财产, 厂房及设备, 包括商誉在内的无形资产, 投资和投资证券等其他资产可能需要减记. 上述每一项均有可能影响本集团的业务业绩及财务状况.

集团继续通过其寻求全球扩张的业务来促进本地生产. 在这种情况下, every effort is being made to manage the balance of the Group’s foreign currency holdings by converting them into yen and utilizing intra-Group loans and other means to reduce foreign currency exchange risk.


通过目前遍布22个国家的海外网络从事生产和销售活动, 集团将推动其全球业务的发展作为一项重要的增长战略. 除了全球经济的整体趋势, the Group’s overseas business 活动 are subject to the risk of 社会 and political disruption due to political turmoil such as terrorism and war, 关税报复措施, 政策的意外变化, 法律法规, 税率变化, 工业基础脆弱性, 自然灾害, 传染病, 种族歧视, 产品的抵制, 还有其他因素. 万一这些风险成为现实, 集团的海外业务活动可能受到阻碍,其业绩和未来计划可能受到影响.

集团在美国设立了四个区域总部, 欧洲, 中国, 和东盟地区收集经济信息, 社会, 以及其业务基地所在国家的政治条件和法律法规趋势. 需要响应的事件是否应该发生, 集团公司, 地区总部, 和公司日本总部的专门部门共同努力,作出适当的反应.


包括火灾在内的重大工业事故, 爆炸, 以及影响集团工厂和R周边地区的有害物质泄漏&D设施, 以及发生在本集团经营场所的地震、海啸等自然灾害, 再加上传染病的蔓延,可能会中断集团的业务活动. 由此造成的公众信心的丧失, 工业事故处理费用, 包括补偿和其他费用, 因停产造成的机会损失, 支付给客户的赔偿, 及其他可能影响本集团业绩及财务状况的因素.

为了防止包括火灾在内的工业事故, 爆炸, 以及有害物质的泄漏, the Group identifies and responds to risks through risk management 活动 at production sites that also include simulations of 自然灾害, and has a dedicated head office department that periodically conducts onsite audits while providing remedial guidance on a global basis. 带头, 同时,海外危机管理办公室与地区总部共享危机管理信息, 提醒他们需要及时采取行动. 除了, we have built a system that allows us to keep abreast of disasters and accidents should they occur through a global emergency contact network, 并加强了员工培训,以确保适当的初步反应.


由于集团在包括生产在内的广泛业务流程中有效地使用了资讯科技, 销售, 研究与开发, 采购, 和会计, 它越来越依赖于it系统. 此外, 除了机密的业务流程信息, 由于房屋业务的性质,十大赌博娱乐平台会处理许多客户的个人信息. 考虑到这些情况, 本集团面临网络攻击等风险, 停电, 自然灾害, 设备和软件故障或缺陷导致的业务中断和损害, 以及包括个人信息在内的机密信息的泄露. 万一这些风险变成现实, 本集团的业务活动可能受到阻碍,影响其业务业绩和财务状况.

在其网络安全政策中制定了某些指导方针之后, the Group established a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) to strengthen its response and constantly monitor the incidence or otherwise of system-based incidents. 除了, 十大赌博娱乐平台制定了一套系统,以便在发生事故时采取适当的行动,防止事故再次发生, 并正在努力通过员工培训来防止与人有关的信息泄露. 应对因大地震等自然灾害导致骨干系统停运的风险, we have taken a wide range of measures including the decentralization of data centers to multiple locations and the complete duplication of critical business operations.


本集团在经营业务时须遵守多项法定及监管规定. In the event that the Group should seriously violate any of these laws following an amendment or unexpected introduction of a law or regulation, or undertake an action or carry out an injustice that violates societal norms caused by pressure to achieve performance targets, it could suffer a loss of customer confidence and incur costs in order to address the infraction thereby impacting its business results and financial position.

集团于2003年根据贡献社会等原则制定了《十大赌博娱乐平台》, 成为值得信赖的公司, 以及对法律条文和精神的遵守. 符合集团原则和公司道德准则的精神, 十大赌博娱乐平台明确了十大赌博娱乐平台的立场,即通过合规获得高度的社会信任. 2020年10月, 在加藤总统的领导下, 集团宣布,它认为合规是增长的基础, and that each and every officer and employee must act with a high sense of ethics and responsibility and behave in ways that conform to community expectations. 除了, 可持续发展委员会, 由总统主持, 审议需要董事会批准的基本合规政策, 并设立了指定的合规小组委员会, 哪个部门向可持续发展委员会负责, 计划, 考虑, 决定与合规有关的重要事项, 旨在为本公司及其集团公司建立和实施合规制度. 以确保集团得到社会的广泛信任, 十大赌博娱乐平台会继续推行措施,提高市民的合规意识.


认识到气候变化是由温室气体引起的, 资源枯竭, 循环经济, 水风险, 海洋塑料垃圾是全球共同的社会问题, the Group promotes ESG management to improve 社会 and global 环境 sustainability through solutions to 社会 issues, 以及自身的可持续增长, 以实现其“2030年长期愿景”和“2050年关水环境可持续发展愿景”. 如果旨在解决这些问题的努力证明是不够的, 集团可能失去公众信任,声誉和竞争力下降, 从而影响销售.

十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力创造, 证明, and expand the market for products to enhance sustainability that contribute to the sustainability of the global environment and society by helping to resolve 环境 and 社会 issues. 作为对抗全球变暖的一项措施, we have set the target of increasing our utilization ratio for renewable energy from electricity purchased to 100% by 2030, and to promote various other measures including collaboration with suppliers to procure raw materials with low 环境 impact. 这是一系列其他举措之一, we are also undertaking 活动 to promote solutions to the marine plastic problem through industry-government-academia collaboration. 这包括参与CLOMA*1和JaIME*2公司倡议.

*1 CLOMA:日本清洁海洋材料联盟*2 JaIME:日本海洋环境倡议


COVID-19的全球传播限制了世界许多国家人民的活动, 从而影响经济活动,包括需求萎缩和供应限制. 这同样适用于本集团的员工. 这可能会限制十大赌博娱乐平台的商业活动,比如销售, 生产与开发, 从而影响集团的经营业绩.

在高性能塑料公司,从事全球业务活动, the infection status in various regions could affect demand for automobiles and electronic devices and progress in infrastructure works in respective markets, 同时也显著影响了航空工业对跨区域运输的需求. 进一步, 在房子里, 主要是国内业务的建筑和基础设施业务, restrictions on 活动 in 日本 could lead to stagnation and delay in 销售 活动 and 建设 works of the Group. 另一方面, they could also have an effect of increasing the number of tests for the Medical business which deals with COVID-19 test kits.